What to do in Chitose ? Part 1… 千歲玩什麽之好康推薦1

Written by on 2016/10/06

Hello everyone!!!


This is Challin, one of the authors of the blog Chitose Daily Life.

我是這篇部落格千歲的日常生活的作者之一 Challin.

As working in the only hostel in Chitose (, I’ve always been asked by our guests that how they could spend their day well in Chitose.


Here is the tips for traveling in the small town in Hokkaido or the whole Japan.

Don’t ever arrive a town too late if you don’t wish to be disappointed.

The and sightseeing spot in the local small town always close early. (Most of them are until 5 pm).



What you should really do is arrive the town in the morning, drop your bag in the accommodation you booked and ask the permission to have a shower to refresh yourself before discovering the town. (if they allow you)


Here is my plan for you to spend a nice day in Lake Shikotsu by having amazing natural hot spring and gorgeous lunch buffet.

Morning: Take the free shuttle bus from Chitose Station at 11:05am for going Tsuruga Resort Spa Mizu no Uta in Shikotsu Lake


Noon: Arrived in Shikotsu Lake by 12:05 . The lunch buffet dining time are 11:30-12:50 and 13:00-14:30. At this time you could choose to walk around Lake shikotsu or go for hot spring before dining.

中午:12點左右抵達目的地。由於錯過了第一班的用餐時間,用餐之前可選擇在支芴湖附近散步或者泡個舒適的天然溫泉。用餐時間分爲兩班:1.11:30-12:50 2. 13:00-14:30

Afternoon: Walk around Lake Shikotsu.


Evening: Take the shuttle bus by 15:35 from Tsuruga Resort Spa Mizu no Uta or if you would like to spend more time in Shikotsu Lake , you could take the public bus back to Chitose Station by 17:00


****① You need to make reservation for free shuttle bus and lunch buffet. The shuttle bus is only for people who has a reservation for lunch buffet.無論是接駁車或是buffet都需要在一日之前預約。當然免費接駁車只限於有午餐預約的客人。
****② The cost of Lunch Buffet only will be 2160 yen per person and the child who is between (4-12 years old ) will cost 1080 yen.午餐的buffet費用是2160日幣含稅,4嵗到12嵗的兒童則是1080日幣含稅。

***③ The cost of Lunch Buffet + Hot Spring only will be 3240 yen per person and the child who is between (4-12 years old ) will cost 2160 yen.午餐加溫泉的費用是3240日幣含稅,4嵗到12嵗的兒童則是2160日幣含稅。

***④ Check the official information here: 詳細的資訊請參考以上網址。

***⑤ You may ask Khaosan Chitose Recepionist to help you make reservation.

You might have read our blog article before about Lake Shikotsu.


If you haven’t , you may do the revision by the link here below. ↓

Okay, i will upload other information about Chitose soon.

Stay tuned and see ya!!! !xoxo